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RevolutExpert broker - fraudsters. Forex scams review

RevolutExpert - fraudsters in the Forex market 10 / March / 22 Homer Barton Visitors: 922 Rating:

The Internet broker RevolutExpert, which operates in Britain, is considered a criminal with an unclean reputation.

When we go to the official website of RevolutExpert -, we will read that our company offers services for working on the Forex market in Britain. In addition, RevolutExpert offers software for financial actions.

Our experts studied the official website of RevolutExpert, got acquainted with the working conditions, made attempts to get at least demo access to the services, investigated the availability of papers, the place of registration of the company.

With the help of this information, we will find out: RevolutExpert - a scam or not?

In addition, we will explain to you how not to fall into the network of scammers, about their algorithms of actions. We will give you all the information you need to keep your money safe.

RevolutExpert is based offshore

The main sign indicating that RevolutExpert are criminals is the registration region. The organization is officially registered in the Marshall Islands, which is already suspicious, since RevolutExpert operates in Britain. Offshore regions attract the attention of criminals due to the lack of laws and control.

Also, this region does not have the rights to work on Forex.

Moreover, when our employees tried to find the real address, mentions of the owners and directors of RevolutExpert, they could not find anything.

This already suggests that RevolutExpert is a shadow Internet broker, working with which will result in large financial losses.

Lack of information about the management of

After analyzing the website, our employees could not find any truthful information about the management of the organization No legal address, no phone numbers or other means of communication.

Basically, it means that directors tend to hide their identities in order to avoid being held accountable for their crimes. And even if you manage to expose one of the employees of RevolutExpert, then everything will end with this, and the actual owners of the criminal firm will remain at large with money.

RevolutExpert, website -, is less than thirty days old

The RevolutExpert website talks about serious experience in the Forex market.

The most common way to explore any web site is to get information about its domain name. As a rule, they contain the period of operation of the domain name, contact details of its owner.

In our case, the RevolutExpert domain name is valid for less than 30 days, and all information about the legal entity that owns it is classified. Another evidence that the owners of RevolutExpert are trying to protect their incognito.

This desire can be supported, but not when it comes to a financial firm acting as an intermediary between the user and Forex.

At the same time, RevolutExpert themselves assure potential users that they have been trading effectively on the Forex market for many years. does not have a trial period

It is a common practice for online brokers to give users a test version of the software in order for them to familiarize themselves with the interface, to try their hand at forex transactions with virtual currency.

Unfortunately, on the website, we did not find data on the demo period, the ability to test the software.

We think that the directors of the company are most likely not going to provide users with demo access to the service, since someone is able to suspect a scam.

Broker works with a negative balance

Legal companies that trade on Forex do not use a negative balance in their work. In accordance with the laws, a trader of an Internet broker cannot spend more than what is currently in his account. In rare cases, when the balance still goes into a negative value, its debts must be repaid not by the client, but by the company that provided the services.

Therefore, honest online brokers do not use a negative account in their work.

And yet, RevolutExpert gives its users Forex operations with a negative balance, that is, in debt.

What is it for?

In order to drive the user into debt and start paying off the loan. This is one of the most popular scams used by financial bandits.

If this happened, you need to know that scammers do not have the opportunity to knock out investments in accordance with the laws of England. Any methods of pressure on traders are considered criminal. The most that bandits can do is to disturb with calls, write messages with demands.

It is impossible to cooperate with, since any attempts to reach an agreement will result in losses. operate with a leverage of 1 to 400 or more

Already, it becomes clear that RevolutExpert are scammers. However, let's point out one more nuance, namely the presence of too much leverage.

Leverage is the ratio of the finances of clients and online brokers when concluding a trading operation. Leverage allows users to make large trading operations who do not have access to the corresponding amounts.

In order to protect users of the Forex financial market, in civilized countries, the current laws provide for the use of a credit leverage with a maximum ratio of one to thirty, in exceptional cases 50.

At the same time, RevolutExpert applies a credit ratio of 1 to 400 for trading activities in the Forex financial market.

This ratio is allowed in Switzerland, as organizations registered in this country enjoy great confidence. However, RevolutExpert is not issued in this country.

In fact, RevolutExpert cannot work on Forex with such leverage, due to the high risk for users. Actually, this is done only to force the trader to transfer as much money as possible, but also to drag him into loans.

Regional divisions of RevolutExpert

It is considered solid for any company to have regional offices in civilized regions, even if the activity takes place exclusively in England. Therefore, RevolutExpert talks about the fact that in addition to a large number of awards, there are local branches in the UK, Australia and other civilized countries, and in addition about many experienced workers.

Checking the presence of these branches is very simple. Since there are specialized structures that control the activities of brokers. In England it's FCA, in Australia it's ASIC.

Accordingly, a law-abiding organization must have permits from these or other organizations that will prove their authorized right to provide trading services on the Forex market, regulate the level of responsibility.

Nevertheless, having studied the specialized web sites, our specialists did not find them. This once again confirms the fears.

Registration on requires the transfer of confidential data

As we mentioned earlier, RevolutExpert does not have a trial period and because of this, in order to gain access, you must immediately transfer the minimum payment to RevolutExpert scammers. In addition, access to the personal account of is possible only upon successful completion of identity verification.

This means that RevolutExpert requires its customers to provide information such as:

  • Information about an individual (passport, driver's license, etc.);
  • Information about the permanent place of residence (scans of utility bills);
  • Information about qualifications, place of work, experience.

In addition, during the initial transfer, criminals can gain access to bank account data.

Together, this information can allow scammers to issue a loan to a gullible user, or to carry out other illegal operations.

Since it is necessary to transfer personal information to register on the website, our employees did not get access to the RevolutExpert personal account and programs for transactions on the Forex market.

Reviews about RevolutExpert

The most important step in exposing RevolutExpert is to study user reviews.

A detailed analysis of the search results on the Internet gave the following information:

  • Most references to RevolutExpert on the Internet are fake. These are similar positive references and custom-made comments;
  • All real mentions and comments about RevolutExpert are negative. Our experts were unable to find reliable reviews and references from former users of, which mention income, effective trading.
  • Bad reviews are associated with illegal activities, theft of funds, creation of debt.

Therefore, real reviews about RevolutExpert say that this online broker is a scammer.

RevolutExpert contact information and white papers

After analyzing references on, our experts have identified many dubious digital official documents that can be easily made using a graphic editor. They are not confirmed by official firms, which means they cannot be trusted.

If an Internet broker is not associated with regulatory organizations, then users simply have nowhere to turn for help.

On the "Contacts" page, our experts found a phone number. It turned out that it had already been used by an illegal online broker. Also, there are many reviews on the network about fraudulent activities associated with the phone number listed on

Withdrawing money from

Are you going to make money with the help of the Forex market online broker? Make sure that you can take away investments from him.

Analyzing the trading agreement on the RevolutExpert website, our specialists did not find any information available about the methods of withdrawing funds. We also identified a description of punishments for prolonged account inactivity, but did not find data on their amounts. Since the bandits do not operate in the legal field, it will not be possible to protest these extortions.

That is, if a trader stops working with RevolutExpert, they can call and write letters demanding to pay the fine.

How does RevolutExpert operate?

The method of searching for new users that RevolutExpert uses is also alarming.

The advertising uses false social media profiles in which fake people spread information about how they instantly became rich by trading in the Forex market through RevolutExpert. Non-existent people demonstrate expensive cars and houses, vacations in resorts and other signs of a rich life.

Bots promise rapid earnings, for which you do not need to learn or put a lot of effort.

If a potential client comes into contact with scammers, RevolutExpert managers confirm the possibility of a quick profit, and in addition about some unique features of their services that allow you to immediately earn serious income.

After that, all sorts of tricks go into work, making it possible to get the maximum amount of money from the user. For example, a fake profit may be created for a client in order to motivate them to invest more money.

When trading on the Forex market turns out to be unprofitable, the manager will offer to transfer even more to compensate for the losses.

RevolutExpert employees work according to the methods created by professional swindlers. Fraudsters analyze customer information in order to act on weak points and lure out even more investments.
In any case, it all comes down to one of two options:

  • If you are going to receive investments before you find yourself in loans, you will be charged fees, close the money invested, and will do everything to force you to transfer even more;
  • If you allow swindlers to drive the account on credit, there will be threats, bandits will extort to pay off a fictitious debt.

An additional method to make a profit for RevolutExpert may be the transfer of your personal information to third-party organizations. Most likely, after that, exhaustive information about you can really be bought for a modest amount of money on some anonymous service on the darknet.

Most likely, after that, various criminals, managers, etc. will call you. It is also worth waiting for messages from RevolutExpert colleagues, who will begin to offer a "return" of lost investments, of course, for a bounty.

Since RevolutExpert does not work in the legal field and preserves anonymity, cannot be made liable under the law in Britain. The heads of the criminal organization are carefully hiding and, at best, the police will be able to arrest one of the "workers".

Can RevolutExpert be trusted?

In no case!

Only if you are going to transfer finances to the bandits, then it is better to spend them on a good cause.

Let's briefly list the evidence saying that RevolutExpert are scammers:

  • No official registration;
  • Lack of a test period;
  • Lack of information about the owners of the company;
  • Phone found in criminal schemes;
  • Negative score;
  • Credit ratio more than one to 50;
  • Bad reviews;
  • False data on the official website.

Our review of RevolutExpert is over. Obviously, RevolutExpert are bandits.

For your safety, we have compiled a complete list of unscrupulous brokers.

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