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Significant growth for Aldesa in the concession business. prospects and past experience of the company

Overview of new profitable contracts for the Spanish company Aldesa 20 / January / 22 Homer Barton Visitors: 2419 Rating:

At the beginning of 2022, Aldesa has signed its entry into Uruguay through a contract valued at 304 million euros. The Spanish company, within the Autovías Cinco consortium, was awarded at the beginning of 2019 to take charge of the design, construction, operation and financing of a road section within the Circuit 5 project, but it has not been until now when the contract has been made effective .

In its first contract in the Latin American country, Aldesa will carry out the rehabilitation and maintenance of 184 kilometers of highway within the framework of the Circuit 5 project, one of the most relevant in Uruguay for the recovery and improvement of the road network.

The company has grown notably in the concession area in recent years

With a time horizon of 20 years, the contract has been awarded by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works under the Public-Private Participation modality. It includes the design, construction, operation and financing of the existing road layout on Route 14 (Sarandí del Yí-Lascano section), and Route 15 (Lascano-Velázquez section), which run through the departments of Rocha, Florida and Lavalleja, to the South of the country. The contract includes improvements in the pavement, the construction of new infrastructures and improvements in the existing ones and corrections in the junctions or crossings.

Aldesa, controlled for almost two years by the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC), is boosting its commitment to the concession business with this project. The company has grown notably in the concession area in recent years with the exploitation of transport infrastructures in Spain and Mexico, mainly. Likewise, in 2021, the firm won its first concession contract in Chile for the provision of operation services, maintenance of toll systems and intelligent systems, and customer service for the Ruta 5 Talca-Chillán highway.


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